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Master SCUBA Diver Trainer
Do your MSDT Prep in Utila

From our Course Directors you will learn how to teach five or more PADI Specialty Diver courses of your choice. You will learn how to market, organize and conduct these specialties from people who have been teaching them successfully for years so you can go on and expand your curriculum.

Our High-Quality PADI MSDT prep program runs monthly and includes:

✔ All required PADI materials

✔ 5 Specialty Instructor Ratings

✔ Teaching Internship up to two months

✔ Upgrades available to Sidemount, Full Face Mask,

Self Reliant or Adaptive Techniques Instructor


The complete course costs $800 USD (plus $365 USD PADI fees)

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Platinum Trainers

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Job Placement

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All Specialties Available


Because PADI Open Water Scuba Instructors are only eligible to become Master Scuba Diver Trainers after they have certified 25 students, we offer our MSDT candidates the chance to shadow real life recreational courses with our most seasoned instructors. These people have years and years of experience and will give you inside tips and tricks on scheduling, overcoming learning difficulties and student diver control. They will allow you to conduct certain portions of the course (or all of the course, depending on your comfort levels) under their supervision so you have a chance of working with real life students before you start your teaching career.

At their discretion and depending on your effort and involvement, they will even let you conduct the final skills assessment, effectively making you the certifying instructor. This way you don’t just get started on your way to the certifications needed for the Master Scuba Diver Trainer ranking, but it gives you documented teaching experience that shows potential employers that you know how to conduct a class. There’s no substitute for experience and employers know this!


Bay Islands College of Diving is a busy PADI 5 Star Career Development Center which offers team-teaching opportunities. You gain experience by working in conjunction with our experienced staff and learn about the logistics of a busy operation. Our high quality boats and equipment are a pleasure to work with, and we offer a wide range of specialities to choose from:

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